1). The power calculation was based on estimation of variance in muscle activity and performance tests. Fig. 1 Diagram illustrating the flow of participants Reasons for withdrawal (voluntarily given) after randomization were the following: lacking motivation (n = 4), their doctor advised them to not participate (n = 2), own choice due to hassles with myofeedback equipment (n = 4), lack of time/had started working full-time (n = 1), family reasons/death (n = 1), and did not selleck products have enough
energy to complete the intervention (n = 1). Most participants were 45–54 years old (Table 1). The proportion working in physically demanding jobs were equally distributed among the intervention groups and the control group. In
all groups, most participants rated poor work ability, a few rated moderate work ability, and no-one rated good or excellent work ability. Almost every one of the women had had rehabilitation activities such as medical treatments, physiotherapy, and performed own exercise. About half of the women had had contact with a psychologist and one-third had been in contact with complementary medicine (acupuncture, chiropractic and/or naprapathy). About 20% had had internal occupational rehabilitation at their own work place and about 10% external occupational rehabilitation. Rabusertib order These rehabilitation activities were equally distributed between the intervention groups. There were also a few EPZ5676 cost within the intensive muscular strength training group (n = 8), the control group (n = 6), and myofeedback training (n = 1) which have participated in a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program. Table 1 Characteristics of the study groups
at baseline All (n) Myofeedback training (n) Strength training (n) Control (n) Age group (years) –44 18 5 7 6 45–54 34 15 9 10 55– 15 4 7 4 Type of work Care of the elderly and disabled 31 10 10 11 School and preschool 27 9 10 8 Social care 3 2 1 Administration 4 2 1 1 Cleaning 1 1 – – Neck pain (0–10) 9–10 6 2 3 1 6–8 32 11 11 10 3–5 23 9 8 6 < 3 5 2 1 2 Comorbidity Mental 34 14 11 9 Cardiac 6 1 3 2 Pulmonary 4 1 2 1 Categories Morin Hydrate of WAI Poor (7–27) 50 15 17 18 Moderate (28–36) 12 7 3 2 Good (37–43) – – – – Excellent (44–47) – – – – Intervention Procedure After information about the study, the following measures were performed in randomized order (Latin square randomization): Purdue Pegbord test, Triangle test, Stroop test, and Cutlery wiping performance test. The Triangle test and Stroop test are not part of the current presentation. Participants were randomly selected to intervention groups (concealed randomization). All interventions were directed by an experienced ergonomist, lasted 1 month, and generally took place at the participants’ own homes.