We identified key genes for nitrification, denitrification, nitrogen fixation and nitrate ammonification, including ammonia monooxygenase (amoA), nitrate reductase (narG napA nasA), nitrite reductase (nirK nirS), nitric oxide reductase (nor), nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ), nitrogenase (nifH nifD) and assimilatory nitrite reductase (nrfA
nirA nirB) in both metagenomes (Figure 3). Differences in the distribution and taxonomic assignment of key genes involved in the nitrogen cycle were observed in our analysis (Table 2 and Additional file 1, Figure S8). Specifically, amoA narG napA nirS and nrfA were highly enriched in the BP sample, while there was a higher distribution of the nasA nirK and nirB in the TP (Sepantronium Fisher’s exact test, q < 0.05). The majority of the sequences in the BP sample were annotated selleck inhibitor to species of Acidovorax Thauera and Deltaproteobacteria (i.e. SRB), while most of the genes in SP600125 the TP were associated with members of the T. intermedia T. denitrificans, and species of Burkholderia among others (Additional file 1, Figure S 8). Differences in the distribution and functional capability may be associated with the availability of oxygen and concentration
of N compounds at each environment. Respiratory nitrate reductase (narG) reduces nitrate to nitrite predominantly during anaerobic growth, while the nasA assimilate nitrate during aerobic growth [53]. Furthermore, the enrichment of nirS nor, and nosZ suggest that the majority of the nitrite in the BP biofilm is reduced preferentially through the denitrification pathway (Figure 3). The nrfA enzyme is highly enriched at the BP biofilm (Fisher’s exact test, q < 0.05) (Figure 3 and Table 2), supporting the Protein kinase N1 observation that the nrfA enzyme is expressed when nitrate (or nitrite) is limiting in the environment [54]. On the other hand, we observed an enrichment of the nirB at the TP biofilm
(Fisher’s exact test, q < 0.05) (Figure 3 and Table 2), which is expressed only when nitrate or nitrite is in excess in the environment [54]. The enrichment of nitrification genes in the BP may be explained by the fact that domestic wastewater carry a substantial concentration of nitrogen compounds (20 to 70 mg/L), consisting of 60-70% NH3‒N and 30-40% organic N [55]. In fact, the gene encoding for ammonia monooxygenase (amoA), a key enzyme for ammonia oxidation was highly enriched in the BP metagenome (Fisher’s exact test, q < 0.05) (Table 2). The metagenome data suggest that habitat prevailing conditions can select for bacterial populations with functionally equivalent yet ecologically nonredundant genes [56]. Specifically, we noted nirK is enriched in the TP while the nirS (nitrite reductase) is more prevalent in the BP biofilm (Fisher’s exact test, q < 0.05). Figure 3 Enrichment of enzymes in the nitrogen metabolic pathway.