The pressure fluctuation induced by the propeller sheet cavitation is not simply proportional to the second derivative of the cavitation volume variation and inversely proportional to the distance between the source and the observer. As shown in Eq. (7), this pressure fluctuation is related to the first and second derivatives of the cavitation volume and is represented by the combined results of the far-field term and the near-field term. Various numerical simulations show that an elaborate prediction requires the overall consideration of the near-field effect, the source motion effect, and the retarded time. The developed method has been evaluated
using both the experimentally obtained Erastin solubility dmso results from a medium size cavitation tunnel test as well as the results form the potential-based prediction method for various propeller configurations and operating conditions. The numerically predicted flow and pressure fluctuation results are in agreement with the experimental results especially at the lower blade rate harmonics. The conclusion is that the presented numerical method results in a reasonable prediction of the pressure fluctuation due to this website propeller sheet cavitation. The developed numerical prediction method and the findings will be useful sources for predicting the hull pressure fluctuation induced by a propeller
at the design stage and for developing control technique. Moreover, these findings will be helpful in the field of propeller cavitation in the future. c0c0 speed of sound This work was supported by the Industrial Strategic Technology Development Program (10033668) funded by the
Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE, Korea) and the Basic Research Program of MOERI/KIOST (PES156E). “
“Current Opinion in Chemical click here Biology 2014, 20:86–91 This review comes from a themed issue on Molecular Imaging Edited by Christian Eggeling and Mike Heilemann For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial Available online 19th June 2014 1367-5931/© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Fluorescence cryo-microscopy (cryoFM) originates from various fields of research and is motivated by a range of biological, chemical and physical questions. First ‘cryo’-microscopy was performed when imaging snowflakes in the 19th century (for review see [1]). Almost half a century ago liquid nitrogen cooled and temperature regulated sample stages for light microscopes have been developed to study thawing processes along applications in the biomedical field [2 and 3]. In contrast, the motivation of performing measurements at low temperature in the field of single molecule spectroscopy is very different.