
Results GS-1101 mw and discussion In the following, we use specific (and realistic) values for the size and confinement offset of the dots. While this apparently implies loss of generality for our results, actually, it allows us to illustrate vividly the impact of size and magnetic field on the

emission features of AQDPs. Although in a dot pair, the relative energy spacing could also be generated and controlled by changes in stoichiometry, bias fields (which would affect significantly the Coulomb interaction), and mechanical stress, among others. Size difference represents the most relevant parameter given the current limitations to obtain dots of identical dimensions. Since all others can be suppressed or strongly minimized at will, we focus on this aspect’s influence. In the first place, when the diameter of the dot increases, the ground state energy of electron decreases, but its response to the field is larger, i.e., the change of the energy with respect to the field ( ) grows significantly. For instance, if the diameter of the dot is increased from

15 to 30 nm (height constant of 4.2 nm), the ground state energy LY333531 decreases in 40 meV at B=0, but the energy growth rate in the second case is 2.13 meV/T against 1 meV/T of the first one. Taking this behavior into account, an energy branch corresponding to larger dots starts as the lowest in energy (at B=0). It will reach an excited energy branch corresponding to smaller dots at some RXDX-101 manufacturer non-zero field, allowing artificial molecular

states. We use this property to determine the dimensions (height and diameter) that permit the indirect exciton branch (the first two states of basis) to start slightly below in energy than the direct exciton branch (the last two states of basis) and then to reach it in a field smaller than 30 T. Another important quantity, which also depends on the dot size is the Coulomb interaction energy ( ) [16–18]. For Farnesyltransferase example, if the diameter of the dot increases from 15 to 30 nm, that energy changes from 19 to 10 meV. These values are small compared to the exciton energy, but are determining for resonant regions. Thus, we choose two particular AQDPs (one of which exhibits molecular states, while the other one does not) to simulate their corresponding photoluminescence spectra. They allow, by contrast, to observe the very important effects of size and Coulomb interaction to give rise to the appearance of hybridized states. To select the dimensions of the two studied systems, after calculating exciton energies as a function of diameters and heights at B=0, we pick a couple of representative AQDP configurations. A interdot distance of d=7.8 nm is used in both cases. First, we study an AQDP (#1) consisting of a bottom dot with diameter (height) D B=12 nm (h B=2.4 nm) and a top dot with diameter (height) D T=24 nm (h T=1.8 nm). For this configuration, the simulated spectra are shown in Figure 2.

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