Leaves of bean had four isoforms of SOD and GDH, two isoforms of MDH, five isoforms of G-6-PDH, stems of bean had three isoforms of SOD and MDH, two isoforms of GDH, eight isoforms of G-6-PDH, roots of bean had seven isoforms of AZD5153 price SOD, two isoforms of MDH and five isoforms of G-6-PDH in the non chilling stressed-plants. GDH isoform could not be observed in the root of this plant. Expression of some isoforms
(GDH-4 in the leaf G-6-PDH-1 in the root, G-6-PDH-6 in the stem, G-6-PDH-12 in the leaf) was stopped by chilling stress. While expression of some isoforms was preferentially enhanced or decreased, some isoforms were not changed by chilling stress and PGRs. In addition, expression of new isoforms (G-6-PDH-10, 12, GDH-2) was occurred by chilling stress and PGRs. These results collectively suggest that changes in isoforms of enzymes may be effective on chilling resistance (CR) and PGRs may have a pivotal role for chilling injury in plants.”
“This paper investigates the cluster synchronization problem of a class of general complex dynamical networks under pinning control scheme. The network topology is assumed to be directed
and weakly connected. The pinning controllers are designed according to the nodes property respectively, that is, the inter-act nodes and the intra-act nodes. Some simple control criteria are proposed to guarantee that the nodes synchronize GSK923295 cost with one another in the same cluster, but no synchronization appears AG-881 cell line among the different clusters. Furthermore, an adaptive pinning control approach is developed. Numerical example is also provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“IMPORTANCE Geographic atrophy (GA) is the major cause of blind registration in Western communities, although, with few exceptions, it is less common than choroidal neovascular disease. The variation of phenotype implies that age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
does not follow the same course from one case to another and that phenotyping may be important before initiating a therapeutic trial. OBJECTIVE To document photoreceptor and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cell loss and other changes at the RPE-choroid interface in donated human eyes in which visual loss was deemed to be due to GA. DESIGN. SETTING. AND PARTICIPANTS Histological study of a consecutive series of eyes donated by individuals previously diagnosed clinically as having GA. Donors were chosen on the basis of available clinical records (from MidAmerica Transplant Services, St Louis, Missouri; the Iowa Lions Eye Bank, Iowa City; and the Utah Lions Eye Bank, Salt Lake City) and selected were those considered to have GA due to AMD. Tissues in the regions of atrophy were examined with light, electron, and autofluorescence microscopy.