It is translocated across the membrane via a Sec-dependent pathway to the selleck kinase inhibitor periplasmic side of the cytoplasmic membrane, the leader peptide is cleaved and the mature alkaline phosphatase is released into the periplasm [33]. Homologous proteins must have been present to enable the folding and export of functional PhoA in pTAP-transformed M. gallisepticum . The absence of detectable alkaline phosphatase expression and activity in pTP-transformed mycoplasma cells
could be attributable to the lower level of transcription of phoA together with the possible retention of GW786034 mw the protein in the cytoplasm in a reduced form, and thus inactive, and subsequent proteolysis. Since the promoter region and all other sequences preceding the start codon were identical to those in pTAP, similar levels of transcription were expected for both constructs, but there was an eight-fold lower level of phoA in pTP transformed cells compared to in those transformed with pTAP. see more It is not clear whether the signal sequence in the pTAP construct could have affected transcription and further studies are
needed to elucidate the mechanisms for the lack of PhoA activity in pTP transformants. Generally the differences in the protein export pathway of Gram-positive bacteria result in low phoA activity when it is introduced into these organisms [34]. This has led to the use of the Enterococcus faecalis -derived phoZ as a reporter system in Gram-positive bacteria [35]. Although mycoplasmas have similarities to Gram-positive bacteria, this study has shown that phoA from E. coli can be expressed as a membrane protein in M.
gallisepticum . As the construct could be successfully introduced into M. galliseptcium using the transposon Tn 4001, it could provide a suitable model for investigating membrane protein export in other mycoplasma species. Other workers have investigated the use of Tn phoA to detect membrane protein export signal sequences from genomic libraries of mycoplasmas, after introduction into E. coli[13, 36]. The pTAP vector will be a valuable and versatile tool for studies analysing regulatory effects of promoter Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase regions, gene expression using different translational start codons and leader sequences and also for optimising expression of foreign antigens. Studies on gene regulation could also be facilitated by using the PhoA vector. Mycoplasma lipoproteins are surface exposed and have atypical acylation, and are commonly immunodominant. Thus expression of an antigen as a lipoprotein is likely to be an optimal approach to inducing a vaccinal response [37]. Heterologous lipoprotein expression has been demonstrated in mycoplasmas and its use as live vaccine was emphasized in Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum , in which spiralin has been expressed on the cell surface using an oriC plasmid vector [38].