g vitamins and minerals) [8] It is well established that the ut

g. vitamins and minerals) [8]. It is well established that the utilization of ingested nutrients for energy is inversely related to the thermogenesis of food. This is a phenomenon associated with the energy cost of nutrient absorption, processing and storage [9]. The loss of energy is highest for protein consisting of a 25-30% loss of the ingested energy, followed by CHO with a 6-8% loss and fat with only a 2-3% loss [10, 11]. Consequently, a higher thermogenic

response following the intake of protein compared to mTOR inhibitor CHO and fat may make some contribution to weight reduction. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of a 4-week weight reduction comparing two different click here energy deficit diets with a moderately high protein intake on body composition, hormone concentration and strength performance in physically active normal weighted women. According to the literature there are no previous studies conducted with these settings in normally built non-competitive female athletes. Methods Subjects Healthy normal weighted young women were recruited for the study that had at least six months history of recreational resistance and aerobic training. The suitability of the volunteers was determined with a questionnaire.

The subject was excluded if she was a competitive athlete or she self-reported anorexia nervosa, coronary heart disease, an irregular menstrual cycle or administration of hormonal contraceptives during the last six months. The study was approved by the local University Ethics Committee and the accepted participants (n = 15) signed a written consent. Study design At the beginning of the study the subjects were randomized to two groups: group 1 KG n = 8; age 28.0 ± 6.4 yr, height 167.0 ± 6.9 cm, body mass 66.9 ± 4.3 kg, body mass index 24.0 ± 1.5, and group 0.5 KG n = 7; age 28.9 ± 6.2 yr, height 167.0 ± 7.1 cm, body mass 65.7

± 4.0 kg, body mass index 23.6 ± 2.0; mean ± SD. Farnesyltransferase The group 1 KG (energy deficit 1100 kcal/day) was supervised to reduce body weight by 1 kg per week and the group 0.5 KG (energy deficit 550 kcal/day) by 0.5 kg per week during four weeks, respectively. Vitamin and mineral supplements (but not other e.g. sport drinks, creatine) were allowed and instructed to be used during the study period. Study design is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Study design. Instructions, Familiarization and Weight Reduction One week before the beginning of the four week diet the subjects had a familiarization session with the exercises used in the strength tests and received general instructions for the study. The subjects kept food and training diaries during the next four days. The food diaries were analyzed using the Micro Nutrica nutrient-analysis software (version 3.11, Social Insurance Institution of Finland).

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