For each array hybridization, a dye-swap hybridization was perfor

For each array hybridization, a dye-swap hybridization was performed, such that for each data point, two of the biological replicates were hybridized as test (Cy5, red) versus control (Cy3, green) and the other two biological samples were hybridized as control (Cy5) versus test (Cy3). The replicate dye-swap analysis reduces the impact of dye bias or other labeling artifacts on the ratio of gene expression at a given data point. The median intensities of each spot on the array were measured by an Agilent Scanner using GenePix version 5 software, and the ratio of expression for each element on the array was calculated in terms

of M (log2 (red/green)) and A ((log2 (red) + log2 (green))/2)). The data were normalized by the print tip lowess method using the Statistical see more Microarray Analysis package in the software package R.21 For statistical analysis, the genes were identified as differentially expressed using Sunitinib mw the Patterns from Gene Expression package (PaGE version 5.0) as described.22

Two-class, unpaired data tests were also performed to specifically identify genes that were differentially expressed by more than 1.5-fold when comparing the different data points. Microarray data can be found on GEO, the public web site, at http://www.ncbi.nlm. The values of fold change across the three comparisons were used to perform a hierarchical clustering analysis using Euclidean distance and the average agglomeration method.23 This procedure assigned each expressed gene to a unique cluster; these clusters were then classified according to their dynamics of change over time. Each gene cluster was subjected to a core analysis via Ingenuity Pathway

Analysis (IPA, Ingenuity Systems), using the fold change difference between compensated and decompensated cirrhosis, for an assessment of the signaling pathways, molecular networks, and biological processes most significantly perturbed by the genes expressed per cluster with progression of cirrhosis to the decompensated state. IPA is based on a manually curated database of interactions among genes and gene products and can impute the presence of a given gene in a network from the expression pattern based on this interaction database. The gene networks generated by this analysis were scored by IPA to rank according to the degree of relevance to the set of genes present in our cluster. Additional mTOR inhibitor methods are presented in the Supporting Information. Hepatocytes were isolated from the livers of Lewis rats at two different stages of cirrhosis and from age-matched controls. Animals treated with 14 weeks of CCl4 had normal liver function (compensated cirrhosis) with bilirubin levels of <0.1 mg/dL, albumin levels of 3.4-3.6 g/dL, prothrombin times of 13-14 seconds, and hepatic encephalopathy scores of 15, representing normal behavior.24 Animals that received 26-28 weeks of CCl4, however, had decompensated liver function with bilirubin levels of 0.4 ± 0.2 mg/dL, albumin levels of 2.

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