Both cases and controls were characterized by high BMI (58% of cases compared to 61% of controls). Waist circumference >88 cm was measured in 53% of cases – OR 1.58- (95% CI 0.8-2.8) P505-15 chemical structure and in 46% of controls. Hypertriglyceridemia was found in 14% of cases respect to 9% of controls [OR 1.4]. 27% of cases presented HDL-C <50 mg/dl compared to 24% of controls [OR 1.09]. High blood pressure was detected in 40% of cases – OR 1.58 (95% CI 0.37-0.47) respect to 30% of controls. Hyperinsulinemia was detected in 7% of cases – OR 2.14 (95% CI 1.78-2.99) and only in 3% of controls (Table 2). Table 2 Metabolic variables by case–control status Cases
(410) Controls (565) N° % N° % p-value Fasting plasma glucose (mg/dl) < 110 345 84.1 508 90.0 ≥ 110 65 15.9 57 10.0 <0.001 Insulin 0-25 regular 386 94.2 545 96.5 ≥ 25 hyperinsulinemia 24 5.8 20 3.5 0.13 High blood pressure Yes
161 39.4 180 31.8 0.01 No 249 60.6 385 68.2 Tryglicerides ≤150 354 86.4 508 90.4 >150 56 13.6 57 9.6 0.006 HDL-Col < 50 mg/dL 109 26.5 Quisinostat manufacturer 140 24.9 ≥ 50 mg/dl 301 73.5 425 75.1 0.9 WC ≤ 88 cm 195 47.7 304 53.8 0.003 >88 cm 215 52.3 261 46.2 BMI ≤ 25 172 42.0 222 39.3 0.7 >25 238 58.0 343 60.7 WHR <0.8 99 24.2 118 20.9 ≥0.8 311 75.8 447 79.1 0.001 Metabolic syndrome criteria 0-2 301 73.4 484 85.70 3-5 109 26.6 81 14.3 < 0.001 HDL-Chol = HDL-Cholesterol; BMI = Body Mass Index; WC = Waist Circumference; Depsipeptide manufacturer WHR = Waist Hip Ratio. HOMA-IR was ≥ 2.50 in 49% of cases – OR 1.86 (C.I.95% =0.42 to 0.52) respect to 34% of controls (C.I.95% =0.03 to 0.38), showing a positive trend for breast cancer patients. Interestingly, 80% of insulin resistant cases were postmenopausal, whereas premenopausal were only 20% (C.I.95% =0.85 to 0.74 vs 0.33 to 0.7) (Figure 1). Selleck NSC 683864 Figure 1 HOMA- IR as indicator of insulin resistance in pre and post-menopausal patients
with breast cancer. HOMA-IR and insulin were positively associated to at least three other MS criteria in 89% of cases compared to 50% of controls. Remarkably, 75% of cases were insulin resistant (HOMA-IR ≥ 2.5) with waist circumference > 88 cm (Table 3, Figure 2). Table 3 HOMA-IR by categories of waist circumference WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE HOMA-IR ≤ 88cm >88cm Total ≥ 2.50 51 (25%) 150 (75%) 201 < 2.50 137 (66%) 72 (34%) 209 Total 188 222 Figure 2 Histogram comparing insulin resistance and waist circumference among breast cancer patients. Statistical significance (P < 0.05) for comparison waist circumference in insulin resistant patients. Insulin resistant cases and controls have been further stratified in four subgroups according to fasting plasma glucose and insulin values.