Atarashi et al reported that TH17 T-helper cells in the intestin

Atarashi et al. reported that TH17 T-helper cells in the intestinal lamina propria are induced by intestinal ATP [1]. Germ – free mice were shown to have lower luminal concentration of ATP and fewer numbers of TH17 cells, and the number of TH17 cells increased by systemic or rectal administration of ATP [1]. The source of intestinal ATP was not identified but was presumably commensal bacteria, which is supported by our findings that many bacterial species release ATP. A recent report by Lee and Groisman demonstrated that ATP regulates Salmonella virulence gene mtgC[4]. We have shown that ATP supplement of 10 μM or 100 μM increased the survival of Salmonella at the stationary phase (Figure 6).

The ATP supplement of 10 μM or 100 μM was much higher than the observed extracellular ATP concentrations in bacterial cultures (~ 30 to 50 nM), but the concentration of the ATP supplement Sotrastaurin research buy was still much lower than the intracellular ATP concentrations of 1 mM – 10 mM reported for eukaryotic cells [22–24]. An intracellular pathogen such as Salmonella is likely to be exposed to ATP inside host cells and our results suggest that Salmonella

is capable of utilizing ATP to increase its survival, possibly by using extracellular ATP as a nutrient and/or a signaling molecule. Regardless of the exact role of extracellular ATP, intracellular pathogens such as Salmonella would have access to Poziotinib purchase host ATP inside host cells and the ability to use extracellular ATP should be beneficial

to the intracellular pathogens. We have detected extracellular ATP from a variety of bacterial species, suggesting that extracellular ATP is not limited to any particular bacterial species. The biological purpose of ATP release is yet to be determined. Since bacteria likely exist as communities in their natural state, a possible role for the extracellular ATP is to function as a nutrient or a signaling molecule in the bacterial communities. It can be a signal in quorum sensing as it changes with bacterial density (Figures 3 and 7). Though less likely, ATP release could be an altruistic action of individual bacterium that facilitates the find more formation and survival of bacterial communities. Indeed our results show that exogenous ATP increased the stationary survival of E. coli and Salmonella (Figure 6). It is possible that ATP released from some members of the bacterial communities may supply energy to other members and hence help the communities thrive. The role of extracellular ATP and the mechanisms of ATP release need further characterization; nevertheless the selleck kinase inhibitor current study indicates that ATP is present extracellularly and may have additional functions in bacterial physiology in addition to its role as an energy supplier. Conclusions We have detected extracellular ATP in the culture supernatant of several Gram – positive and Gram – negative bacterial species.

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