At 10 hour after

At 10 hour after control IgG treatment, the cells formed complex meshlike structure patterns (Figure 3, left). After treatment with bevacizumab (100 μg/ml), the cells learn more showed a migration/alignment pattern (grade 1, Figure 3, right). The average total capillary tube length in human microvessel cells with IgG, or bevacizumab (100 μg/ml) was 1255.31 ±134.90 and 195.04 ± 26.67 μm, respectively (P < 0.01). Figure 3 Suppressed

tube formation of human microvessel by conditioned media from C4-2B cells treated with bevacizumab (right) or control IgG (left). Bevacizumab reduced C4-2B cell invasion The level of VEGF is known to correlate with prostate cancer invasion and metastasis in bone. We performed in vitro invasion assay

to estimate whether Seliciclib mw bevacizumab reduced C4-2B cell invasion. RPMI-1640 without FBS was added to the lower chamber as a negative background control, RPMI-1640 with 5%FBS was added to the lower chamber and C4-2B cells without treatment were added to the upper chamber as a positive control. In order to express the direct role of VEGF on the invasion of C4-2B cells, the recombinant human VEGF as a chemoattractant was added to the lower chamber. VEGF induced C4-2B cells to invade through the Marigel. In the absence of VEGF, the invasion was very low. With 100 μg/ml of bevacizumab in the upper chamber, significantly less numbers of C4-2B cells migrated into the lower chamber, and IgG1 did not inhibit the invasion (Figure 4a and b). The result not of the fluorescence microplate reader showed that the fluoresence intensity in the chamber with bevacizumab MK5108 (100 μg/mL) was significantly lower than that in the chamber with control IgG1 (Figure 4c). Bevacizumab was high significantly decreased C4-2B cell invasion, comparing with control IgG (Figure 4, P < 0.01) Figure 4 Bevacizumab reduced the ability of invasion in C4-2B (b), comparing with an equal amount of IgG treatment (a). In the invasion assay, we seeded cells on the top of the Matrigel and added VEGF to the lower chamber. Invasive cells penetrate

Matrigel and end up on the other side of the Matrigel. We estimated invasion by measuring the fluoresence intensity in the fluorescence microplate reader and counting the number of invading cells, and setting the average of invading cell numbers of C4-2B with VEGF added to the lower chamber as 100%. The results showed that VEGF-mediated invasion of C4-2B was suppressed by bevacizumab, and not by IgG1. (P < 0.01, Figure 4c). Discussion In solid tumor, such as prostate cancer, there is the chance that the cancer will become advanced and spread to the bone. In prostate cancer, the most common site of a recurrence is the bone. In fact, approximately 80% of prostate cancer recurrences are in the bone [6]. If the cancer metastasizes to distant sites, the 5-year survival rate is the only 31%.

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