, 1999 and Sanders and Baron-Szabo,

2005) Colony shape p

, 1999 and Sanders and Baron-Szabo,

2005). Colony shape plays an obvious role in aiding sediment runoff and hemispherical to columnar species have been found to be efficient passive shedders (Bak and Elgershuizen, 1976, Dodge and Vaisnys, 1977, Stafford-Smith, 1993 and Riegl, 1995). Branching species retain little sediment, and many poritids are indeed very sediment-tolerant; however, some acroporids are inefficient sediment rejecters and do not appear well adapted to sedimentation despite an apparently advantageous growth form (Stafford-Smith, Etoposide research buy 1993). Thin, stick forms such as Madracis mirabilis or Acropora cervicornis are ideally suited passive shedders. Both species have little surface available for sediment accumulation and staghorn corals

have polyps that are widely separated, further reducing the chance of sediment clogging ( Meyer, 1989). Another efficient design for passive sediment rejection is the thin, platy and upright growth habit exhibited by Agaricia tenuifolia in shallow water. Only a small area is present at the top of each plate for sediment accumulation. This MDV3100 cell line form, coupled with an erect growth habit, is very effective in letting sediment slide passively from the colony ( Meyer, 1989). Gorgonians (Octocorallia), especially sea whips, were found to be among the most tolerant species to sediment-loading and

dredging-induced turbidity in Florida ( Marszalek, 1981). Five species of gorgonians in the highly sedimented waters of Singapore showed growth rates ranging from 2.3 to 7.9 cm yr−1, which are comparable to published growth rates from non-sedimented environments ( Goh and Chou, 1995). Riegl, 1995 and Riegl and Bloomer, 1995 and Schleyer and Celliers (2003) nearly found in zooxanthellate soft corals, which are generally inefficient and passive sediment shedders, that ridged morphology maintained sediment-free areas and thus maintained photosynthetic efficiency which allowed these corals to persist in relatively sand-laden environments. In scleractinian corals, calyx size, orientation, and degree of meandrisation have been found to correlate in some species with rejection efficiency (Hubbard and Pocock, 1972, Rogers, 1983, Johnson, 1992, Stafford-Smith, 1993, Philipp and Fabricius, 2003, Sanders and Baron-Szabo, 2005, Rachello-Dolmen and Cleary, 2007 and Sorauf and Harries, 2010); however, such relationships appear to be dependent on sediment size (Riegl, 1995). A counter-intuitive mechanism of passive sediment rejection is that of funnel-shaped corals (Acropora clathrata and Turbinaria peltata) occurring in turbid, but also high-energy environments. Riegl et al.

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