Jellison GE, Modine FA: Erratum: “Parameterization of the optical

Jellison GE, Modine FA: Erratum: “Parameterization of the learn more optical functions of amorphous materials in the interband region” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 371 (1996)]. Applied Physics Letters 1996,69(14):2137.CrossRef 26. Gao Y, Ma J, Huang Z, Hou Y, Wu J, Chu J: Structural and optical properties of ZnO:Al thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. Proc SPIE 2009, 7381:738111/1–738111/8. 27. Fujiwara H, Kondo M: Effects of carrier concentration on the dielectric function of ZnO:Ga and In2O3:Sn studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry: analysis of free-carrier and band-edge absorption. Physical Review B 2005,71(7):075109/1–075109/10.CrossRef 28. Qu D, Liu F, Huang Y, Xie W, Xu Q: Mechanism of optical absorption enhancement

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Authors’ contributions MS developed the idea of comparing optical scattering and near field properties of nanoparticles made from different materials. She drafted the manuscript and ran the simulations. PA provided and adapted the code for the Mie simulations and PM set up the FEM calculations. SGC-CBP30 concentration All authors contributed to the preparation and revision of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript.”
“Background Recently, portable electronic products which are combined memory circuits [1–3], display design [4, 5] and

IC circuits have popularized considerably in the last few years. To surmount the technical and physical limitation issues of conventional charge-storage-based memories [6–11], the resistance random access memory (RRAM) is constructed of an insulating layer sandwiched by two electrodes. This structure is a great potential candidate for next-generation nonvolatile memory due to its superior characteristics such as lesser cost, simple structure, high-speed operation, and nondestructive readout [12–21]. The carbon-based resistive memory (C-RRAM) has emerged as one of a few candidates with high density and low power. The resistive switching of C-RRAM relies on the formation and rupture of filaments due to redox chemical reaction mechanism, which is LY294002 similar to most other reported RRAM devices [22–43]. In this paper, we investigated the resistive switching characteristics of amorphous carbon films prepared by RF magnetron sputter deposition technique for nonvolatile memory applications. Reliable and reproducible switching phenomena of the amorphous carbon RRAM with Pt/a-C:H/TiN structure were observed. In addition, the resistive switching mechanism of the amorphous carbon RRAM device is discussed and verified by electrical and material analysis. Methods The experimental specimens were prepared as follows.

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