81 and 0 88 respectively The total microbial richness for coloni

81 and 0.88 respectively. The total microbial richness for colonised and uncolonised ACs were calculated and estimated by Chao and ACE. Chao takes into account singletons and doubletons, Ferrostatin-1 chemical structure while ACE uses OTUs having one to ten Blasticidin S datasheet clones each. It was observed that OTU richness would increase with additional sequencing of clones.

Both the Chao and ACE estimation for uncolonised ACs clone libraries were slightly lower than colonised ACs clone libraries (Table 1). As ACE and Chao are dependent of the amount of singletons, the discrepancies with the diversity indices are most probably due to different amounts of singletons in the clone libraries. From observed and estimated total richness for uncolonised Tozasertib molecular weight and colonised ACs, we estimated that there was a minimum 5-10 more OTUs per group yet to be uncovered. However, it should be noted that no complex microbial community has even ever been sampled to completion. Rarefaction curve analyses

(Figure 3) indicate that our sampling of clones is sufficient to give an overview of dominant microbial communities on the examined uncolonised and colonised ACs. Figure 3 Rarefaction analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences. All sequences were obtained from uncolonised and colonised ACs clone libraries using an OTU threshold of 97% identity. To estimate the relative diversity using 16S rRNA gene for colonised and uncolonised ACs, we calculated both Shannon and Simpson Diversity Indices, measures of ecosystem biodiversity. Each diversity index is associated with specific biases. The Shannon index places a greater weight on consistency of species abundance in OTUs, while the Simpson Index gives more weight to the abundance of OTUs. The Shannon’s diversity index H’ values for triclocarban colonised and uncolonised

ACs were 3.20 and 3.31 (Table 1). The Simpson diversity index values for colonised and uncolonised ACs were 0.93 and 0.95. Both indices suggest similar diversity profiles for both colonised and uncolonised ACs. The largest OTU from the colonised ACs contained 54 sequences and the OTU from the uncolonised ACs contained 26 sequences, which might explain the slightly lower diversity index values in colonised ACs. While these results suggested that the diversity indices in uncolonised ACs was slightly higher than colonised ACs, there was no significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.986). Discussion Culture-independent methods have been successfully and widely used to reveal the microbial community in environmental and human samples [27–29]. Among these methods, the 16S rRNA gene clone screening approach provides a direct method for investigating bacterial diversity [27–29]. This study is the first attempt to use 16S rRNA gene clone screening approach to assess the bacterial community on surfaces of ACs taken from critically ill ICU patients with suspected catheter related blood-stream infections. The results revealed a remarkable diversity of bacteria on ACs.

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