This possesses similar characteristics to Fano resonances in which the electromagnetic coupling between a dark mode with narrow resonance linewidth and a bright mode with a broad resonance linewidth creates a
sharp Fano dip in the spectrum, which GSK2879552 in vivo can be used to enhance the sensing FOM [18]. A similar coupling effect has also been observed for propagating surface plasmons and waveguide modes in one-dimensional periodic metal grooves [29]. We have to point out that the linewidth reduction observed here may be the main contribution to the reported FOM enhancements [6–9]. Figure 4 Incident angle-averaged extinction spectra. Normalized incident angle-averaged extinction spectra for nanorods of types A, B, C, and D in the wavelength of interest, with surrounding medium of RI = 1.33. The red double arrows denote the fullwidth at half maximum linewidth of each peak. For the D curve, the extrapolation line is also shown. The curves are plotted in offset for clarity, with insets showing the schematics of the nanorods (left) Salubrinal manufacturer and their angle-dependent extinction spectra (right). FOM of quadrupole resonances Finally, we calculated
the overall sensing FOM in terms of the RI sensing sensitivity and the extracted resonance linewidth, with results summarized in Table 1 in which some data from literature are also added for reference. For plasmonic dipole modes, the FOM values derived from our numerical selleck compound methods are partially consistent with previous experimental results. A slightly larger FOM observed for the nanorod dipole mode in our studies may be due to the sharp edges of the rod defined Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor in our simulation model. For quadrupole modes, we estimated an FOM of 3.9 for the nanorod of type B and 7.4 for the nanobipyramid of type D, both much larger than the FOM values [3, 6–9] reported for dipole modes in the both structures, suggesting the great promise of using quadruple resonances in single-particle RI sensing. Table 1 Comparison
of RI sensing performance for different nanoparticles Type Mode Sizea(nm) λ sp(nm) dλ sp/dn b Δλ (nm) FOM Nanorod (A) D 200/80 1,020 712.2 278.6 2.6 Nanorod (B) Q 500/80 1,030 722.1 186.8 3.9 Nanobipyramid (C) D 200/100 1,020 689.3 154.1 4.5 Nanobipyramid (D) Q 200/42.5 1,045 676.9 91.7 7.4 Nanorod [7] D 55/16 728 224 2.1 Nanorod [11] D 50/15 730 170 125 1.3 Nanobipyramid [7] D 189/40 1,098 540 4.5 Nanobipyramid [8] D 90/30 800 352 4.5 aThe nanoparticle sizes are expressed in the form of length/diameter. bThe unit for RI sensitivity is nanometers per refractive index unit (nm/RIU). D, dipole mode; Q, quadrupole mode. Conclusions In conclusion, we have demonstrated an ultrahigh overall sensing figure of merit by using plasmonic quadrupole resonances in gold nanorods and nanobipyramids.