3) For the remainder of the first month, anticoagulation consist

3). For the remainder of the first month, anticoagulation consisted of intermittent, reduced-dose LMWH targeting subtherapeutic anti-factor Xa levels. At one month, therapeutic

anticoagulation was resumed with warfarin, targeting an INR of 2.0–3.0, and plasma exchange was weaned. Tacrolimus was reintroduced targeting serum trough levels of 3 to 5 ng/mL. Renal function gradually improved, with creatinine 170 μmol/L at 2 months post-transplant, and resolution LBH589 price of perfusion defects on nuclear scanning. Biopsies at three and eight weeks showed focal areas of infarction affecting up to 25% of the cortex but no thrombotic features in viable glomeruli. Renal function has remained stable over the ensuing 4.5 years. Lupus nephritis remains a significant cause of ESKD accounting for approximately 1% of patients commencing renal replacement therapy each year in Australia and New Zealand.[25] TMA in patients with SLE is usually associated with lupus nephritis[10, 15, 18] and/or serologic

evidence of APS.[15, 18, 26, 27] This patient, who first presented with renal and systemic involvement from SLE, was subsequently diagnosed with APS in the setting of recurrent DVT/PE, with serial testing positive for LA and high-titre aCL antibodies. It appears that both diffuse Seliciclib in vivo proliferative nephritis and the subsequent APS-related renal TMA contributed to rapid progression to ESKD. Post-transplant TMA has numerous potential causes (Table 3) and sometimes occurs without thrombocytopenia or MAHA.[36] The most common causes include antibody-mediated rejection (AbMR), calcineurin inhibitor

(CNI) toxicity and recurrent or de novo atypical Cyclin-dependent kinase 3 haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS).[37] When acute allograft dysfunction developed in this patient, a transplant biopsy revealed TMA in the absence of AbMR. LA was positive, whilst the unusual scintigraphic appearance suggested APS-mediated focal renal infarction, as confirmed histologically. Previous reports of APS-related allograft TMA include recipients with established APS but no pre-transplant history of TMA,[38-40] LA-positive recipients in whom native APSN was the only prior manifestation of disease,[33] and LA-positive patients with no previous APS-related clinical events.[41] Allograft TMA with elevated aCL antibody titres has also been reported in the setting of untreated hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection without prior evidence of APS.[42] Testing for aHUS and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) was not performed in this patient. aHUS is a rare but increasingly recognized condition causing renal-predominant TMA and ESKD.[43] Acute mortality is as high as 25%, depending on the genetic or acquired abnormalities in regulation of the alternative pathway of complement (identified in ∼60% of aHUS cases).[35] In transplant recipients with an uncharacterized history of TMA as a cause of ESKD, it is important to consider the possibility of aHUS as it carries a high risk of post-transplant recurrence and graft loss.

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