(C) 2013 Elsevier B V All rights reserved “
“Contents The a

(C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Contents The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different physiological phases on serum total proteins and their fractions of ten Comisana ewes housed in Mediterranean area. From each animal, blood samples were collected at different physiological phases: late pregnancy, post-partum, early, mid-, end lactation and dry period. On all samples serum total proteins were determined by the biuret method, and albumin, a-globulins, beta 1-globulins, beta

2-globulins and ?-globulins concentrations were assessed using an automated system. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance was applied to determine the significant effect of different physiological phases on the parameters studied. During the late pregnancy and post-partum, total proteins, beta 1-

and beta 2-globulins and ?-globulins showed the highest values. Starting from post-partum, find more a-globulins increased to reach their check details peaks in mid-lactation. Early lactation was characterized by low ?-globulins values. The increase in serum albumin concentration and the drop in some globulin fractions determined the significant increase in albumin/globulin ratio. The obtained results contributed to improve the knowledge on electrophoretic profile during the different physiological phases in ewes, confirming that pregnancy and lactation periods affect the protein metabolism. Particularly, serum protein fractions pattern could give information about dehydration,

plasma volume expansion and hepatic function, which occur during the different physiological phases. Dynamics of the protein profile from pregnancy to dry period which are provided by our results, could be considered as guidelines for the management strategies to guarantee the nutritional needs of these animals during the different physiological phases and to avoid a decline of productive performance and consequently an economic loss.”
“Background and objective: COPD is associated signaling pathway with impaired health-related quality of life (HRQL) and cardiac autonomic dysfunction. Data describing the association between these factors in patients with COPD are mostly lacking. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether there is an association between cardiac autonomic dysfunction and HRQL in COPD.

Methods: We studied 60 patients with COPD (37 women, mean (SD) age 65.20 (7.73) years, FEV(1)% pred. 46.58 (18.53) %) and measured HRQL, as assessed by the Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire, and cardiac autonomic dysfunction, as assessed by heart rate variability (HRV). Analysis of HRV was performed using a Holter-ECG device during a recording period of 5 min. To evaluate a possible association between these factors, univariate and multivariate analyses were used.

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